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Not All Product Skeptics Are Honest.

There are two kinds of people in this world there are those that build up and those that tear down.

I have two observations here: First it is much easier to tear down than to build up and second the person tearing down an idea or product or project almost always could not come up with a better way of doing something if they were asked. And yet they are a self proclaimed expert on why something stinks or is a scam etc.

Think about this, what qualifies someone to be considered an expert on any certain topic, product, etc.? If said person/ so called expert cannot come up with a better or superior method of building a similar product, should we really consider them as an expert? So when a non-expert in a certain field or area comments on a product should we value their negative comments any more an any other non-expert? I myself, could not rely on this type of individual but would look at it further.

Please don’t misunderstand me I certainly don’t want to infer you must be an expert to be critical of a product or service.

We really need to re-evaluate how we view what we observe around us - number one, when a person slanders a product our natural tendency is to take their ranting and negative attitude as the gospel truth. A wiser person would initially doubt their ranting and slurs because of the following reasons.

1. Most persons are more negative verses positive. Rather than viewing the sunny side of a situation they see the cloudy side of things.

2. For this reason solely not a thing regardless of how good it is, will ever be liked by everyone. In addition there will always be competitors hurt because of it and these persons will protest the loudest and slander your product as a no good scam. Some will lie, because they have lost business. If your product fails, they get the business you lose.

3. Lazy people that are twiddling their thumbs have the spare time to complain. It takes endurance, work and consistency to accomplish great goals. The complainer on the other hand, has nothing else better to do than to find a perceived deficiency in an otherwise fantastic product and then shout it to the heavens.

Here is sage advice on analyzing the ranting of a critic and whether or not to believe them. Be aware, there are different degrees of critiquing and skepticism toward anything. There are the usual complainers and then there are those who take it to a whole different level. You might even call those people nuts.. My best advice would be to weigh the numbers of those who were dissatisfied or satisfied. A large number of complainers would indicate the product probably isn't very good. But if you hear a great many people speaking highly about the benefits they receive from the product, then it is probably an excellent product, despite a few negative remarks. Remember not everyone liked the Beatles.

When looking for clues concerning the honesty of a skeptic here are some guidelines:

1. A certain giveaway to dishonesty from critics would be the balance in their article of negative verses positives. If it is all negative the critic is probably mad about more than the product. Remember almost everything has something good you could say about it. Examine all of the evidence to begin with. A product with a proven history of years of happy users is probably very good despite what one or two critics say.

2. Awful products seldom survive for a long time and you would have to look long and hard to find anything positive that has been written about them.

3. When you hear about a scam you should know it is only a scam when the consumer has been actually taken advantage of. When a consumer can get his money back, that is not a scam no matter what some nut might say. Good products will have a longer than the norm guarantee, a scam will typically have the very minimum required by law.

Lastly, but not least I want to cover what I call the "assassin on a mission to destroy." Under no circumstances should you believe these types. Most of the time they go out of their way to under-handedly criticize a product, because the product they’re attacking is so good and effective they fear losing business to it. Or they’re doing the bidding of someone, in the role of the duped sap as that other person stands to lose big time if the product really succeeds.

Beware if you observe evidence that considerable effort has been focused on creating materials like web pages, emails and such, speaking ill of and attacking a product. Especially if the product has been out on the market for a few years, and has become very popular with lots of positive press. If you notice these things be skeptical toward the skeptic as being dishonest. Usually the skeptic won't slam the entire effectiveness of the product; but he looks for a very specific area they can use to tear the whole product down. Usually what happens is over-enthusiastic distributor who knows the tremendous results the product has gotten will get carried away and say something the product might do that certainly can’t be proven. The dishonest skeptic will latch on to this and complain and say, "you say it does this and there is no evidence to support that, therefore it is a total scam or sham." Note: Dishonest politicians resort to doing this on a regular basis to discredit their opponent.

Here is the worst example of stupidity and dishonesty ever, the critic says it is a scam because it will not do something, it wasn't touted to do. In this case, hasn't the critic become the real scam artist?

Jim Sapp



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